Elements of the USAF is apparently disobeying the President...
When President Trump rolled out his earth-shattering executive order that forbade DEI throughout the federal government (Culling the Herd: Thanks to Trump's EO, DEI Departments Are Shuttered, Employees Placed on Leave), he anticipated that the forces of the "resistance" would work behind the scenes to avoid obeying. He knew they would rename organizations and hide the DEI commandos in other positions so the whole hideous mess could be reassembled, like Frankenstein's monster, at a future date. That is why the Office of Personnel Management required all agency heads to send this memo to every employee
There is evidence of efforts by some USAF units to ignore the executive order. This is an example from Minot (North Dakota) Air Force Base. Here, you have a memo that laughs at the executive order and clearly states they have renamed the office.
Full article, HERE from Red State.
We knew when Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. too over as CJCS, he was 100% on board with DEI, and I can't help but wonder if those who are refusing to follow the president's direction think Gen Brown is going to either 'cover' for them, or bail them out.
Personally, I think it's going to take a couple of years to actually root out the entrenched bureaucracy who support it. BATF has done the same thing with their DEI position, simply renaming the woman to a 'senior executive' without a job description.
From the outside looking in, I cannot say I've seen anything 'good' with DEI, as it takes away the rationale for merit promotions if you're the wrong ethnicity, it has, to me, lowered the work standards, and made organizations and the military, LEOs, Medics, et al less safe.
I'm just glad I'm no longer in the workforce, or managing any personnel today...
What say you???
If they're in the military, court marshal them. Put them in an oubliette (they did it to the J6ers so it's only fair). If they're not in the military, ban them from ever holding a government job again. De-bank them, just like the Left is justifying debanking conservatives. Turn-about is fair play and it's time they learned that.
What say I? Sharpen the ax and begin the pruning, Mr. President. Any leader who gives a lawful order, sees it being disobeyed or slow-walked loses his standing as a leader if he does not immediately and decisively jerk a knot in the froward, defiant subordinate's keester. Any military or civilian governmental person who willingly took The Oath who cannot or will not be true to it needs to find another line of work...and feel the consequences of his or her failure. The system crumbles, otherwise.