Raconteur Press has anthology 42 out! Space Cowboys- Fission Chips
As always, click on the cover for the Amazon link!
The blurb-
The story lines in this anthology run the gamut, from planetside, to open space, to Mars and beyond:
An old cowboy and his dog teach the new kid how to handle rustlers. Cowboys defend their ranch and others against predators and thieves. Good guys and gals vs. the bad guys while they learn about horses. ‘Ranching’ creatures come among the asteroids, lousy neighbors, and rustlers. Frontier sheriffs step up and solve a crime before things go badly for everyone in town. ‘Rodeo’ takes on a whole new meaning with LBJ in an alternate history. Learning occurs on a cattle drive, with a surprise ending. With rustlers in space, technology is in play, with the equivalent of Rangers. A cowboy and his girl take on train robbers to save the passengers. An old cowboy comes out of retirement for one more cattle drive on Mars.
Pam Uphoff has book 13 in her Chronicles of the Fall out - Empire of Japan
The blurb-
The Three Part Alliance is falling apart, with internal strife, and out-and-out war . . .
In the Japanese sector, everything is spiraling into a major crisis, but for two teenage boys, their personal problems seem more immediate. For Shato house Kujo the usual fate of a servant's child looms, while his legitimate best friend and almost brother is powerless to help, while preparing for college.
But the murder of the Crown Prince is about to scramble everyone's plans as Japan withdraws from the Alliance, and plans retribution.
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Thanks in advance!
Will Fission Chips be available in paperback?